At KRU PT + Performance Lab, our licensed physical therapists offer approach to health and wellness. We provide tailored services including rehabilitation, exercise recovery, injury prevention, performance training, stretching, and mobility solutions. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just beginning your fitness journey, we're here to support you.

Our key to success lies in our personalized, hands-on approach to both rehabilitation and exercise recovery, catering to the needs of both injured and healthy athletes. After completing your sessions, you'll not only regain the strength needed to safely return to your usual activities but also gain the knowledge of self-rehabilitation techniques to reduce the risk of future injuries.


Our physical therapists have extensive experience treating athletes from a wide variety of disciplines, including the; NFL, NBA, MLB, USA Olympics, FIFA, WTA, and more. Leveraging this extensive experience, we craft a personalized rehabilitation program tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you're recovering from surgery, a weekend enthusiast, or a professional athlete, our aim is to restore your previous level of function.


Beyond physical therapy, we provide exercise recovery services tailored to accelerate your body's healing after intense training. Through cutting-edge tools like Normatec Recovery Boots, vibrational therapy, and Compex electrical stimulation, we reduce recovery time and enhance your future performance. These are the very tools and techniques trusted by elite athletes worldwide for rapid recovery and sustained peak performance.





During your first appointment, we conduct a thorough physical therapy evaluation to DISCOVER the fundamental impairments that could be leading to pain and dysfunction.


We develop a unique plan of care to REFINE and optimize biomechanics to address your specific injury, asymmetry, and pain.


Our program is designed to help you EVOLVE beyond baseline and strive for peak performance. Every visit is an opportunity to track your progress and tailor your program.


Our goal is to help you excel and reach peak PERFORMANCE in your chosen activity or sport.


  • Innovative Treatments

    Stimulating your body’s ability to heal from within, we are bringing you the latest and greatest with shock wave therapy, direct current electrical stimulation with Neufit, and dry needling administered by Licensed Doctors of Physical Therapy.

  • State-of-the-Art Performance Equipment

    Train like the pros do with premium Sorinex equipment, the Vertimax Duel Raptor, Exxentric Flywheel, and Athletic Edge custom treatment tables

  • Easy Online Scheduling

    Make scheduling a breeze with our online scheduling platform, no username and password required. View your clinician’s schedule and block out your appointments on your mobile phone or computer.